Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy (Minimally Invasive procedure for Haemorrhoids) or MIPH (Minimally Invasive Procedure for PILES)
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal which can be painful but usually not serious. If veins swell inside the anal canal, it forms internal haemorrhoids and if veins swell near the opening of the anus, it forms external hemorrhoids. One generally have both types of Hemorrhoids at the same time.
The symptoms of Hemorrhoids:
- Bleeding during bowel movements.
- Streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper after one strains to have a bowel movement
- Itching
- Rectal pain
Minimally invasive procedure for hemorrhoids (MIPH)/ Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy allows patients tohave the following advantages:
- Get back to work early.
- Minimal pain.
- No cuts and therefore no Dressings.
- No follow up.
- Discharge from Hospital in one day.
In this advanced technique of minimal invasive procedure of piles, an experienced surgeon uses a stapling device, removes the part of the pile mass with the stapler gun thus addressing two main concerns, bleeding and prolapsed haemorrhoids.
The titanium staples not only cut but also seal at the same time; therefore, minimizes bleeding & reduces in post operative pain. As no additional incision is required on lower part of anal canal; therefore, patient does not require to go for any post operative dressing. Dr Randeep Wadhawan has experience of performing more than one thousand successful minimal invasive procedure of piles.
The procedure and the stapler has been pioneered by Dr Antonio Longo, in 1995 .
Dr Wadhawan has had the opportunity to learn the procedure from him first in a workshop in ROME , Italy, and again in certified coloproctology course in Vienna, Austria.
Dr Antonio Longo and Dr Wadhawan in a workshop on MIPH and other stapled Rectoanal procedures in ROME , Italy.
Dr Antonio Longo and Dr Wadhawan in the OR of the Saint Elizabeth Hospital , Vienna, Austria in a coloproctology workshop on MIPH& STARR Procedures.